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«The Ophelia Motif in the Work of Iberian Galician Writers»

  • CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture (Purdue University) 13/5

  • On line páginas
  • DOI 10.7771/1481-4374.191 Indexada no Arts and Humanities Citation Index (Thomson Reuters ISI), Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (Chadwyck-Healey), Humanities Index (Wilson), Humanities International Complete (EBSCO), MLA e SCOPUS (Elsevier).
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  • Felix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze developed the concept of «transversality» in their Rhizome (1976). Based on psychoanalytical praxis, transversality can be substituted for transference as the operating notion in analysis as it transcends vertical approaches (where the principle of hierarchy rules) or horizontal approaches (where the possibility of substitution presents itself). Guattari and Deleuze recognized the analytical potential of literary works with regard to Kafka, Proust, Joyce, Artaud, and Beckett as being more decisive to a cartography of subjectivity than the works of Freud, Jung, or Lacan. In Deleuze and Guattari’s Mille plateaux. Capitalisme et schizophronie, transversality is conceived to […]